Leinin Perez
martes, 18 de julio de 2017
Recursos Online para Educadores
En esta nueva era tecnológica, los recursos online, se han vuelto casi indispensable a la hora de desarrollar una clase dinámica, innovadora, que brinde las estrategias para que el aprendizaje sea más fructifero y los alumnos puedan captar la información de una forma, sencilla y clara.Algunas de estos recursos son:
Skype en el aula, es una pagina que ofrece múltiples beneficios a la hora de brindar una clase innovadora, entre las bondades podemos mencionar:
Brindar clases a distancias, desde la comodidad del el hogar hasta la oficina, Introducir otras culturas a los alumnos mediante conexión internacional.
Impartir conferencias, practicar entrevistas y conocer estudiantes de intercambio, entre otros. Skype en el aula, proporciona herramientas a la hora de brindar enseñanza que facilite el proceso y ayude al desarrollo de los alumnos y alumnas.
Tiching: es una pagina que brinda recursos digitales desde la educación primaria hasta bachillerato, se puede registrar tanto el docente como el alumno ahí encontrara material que le brinde facilidad a la hora de enseñar o aprender, en esta pagina tienes la posibilidad de organizar el material que se encuentre, así como, compartir experiencias, dudas o recursos con otros docentes o alumnos.
YouTube para escuelas, es una pagina donde puedes encontrar vídeos académicos. El alumno y el docente podrán conseguir vídeos que facilite su proceso de enseñanza.
Existen cientos de plataforma que tanto el docente como el alumno puede utilizar para facilitar el proceso, paginas de recursos educativos, paginas de recursos pedagogicos; así como,crear cursos online o crear aulas virtuales, pienso que hay que ser un poco creativo y buscar las mejores practicas pedagógicas para que el proceso de enseñanza no sean tan aburrido y pueda captar la atención del alumno.
sábado, 2 de abril de 2011
En esta fase ya culminado las clases de ingle, puedo decir que he reforzado mis conocimiento en cuanto a este idioma y que he visto otra perspectiva de su gramática. En cuanto a las clases en el salón y laboratorio puedo decir que dichas clases fueron cómodas en cuanto a la accesibilidad a los recursos entre ellos, el uso de las computadoras y las presentaciones de power point fueron claras y entendibles.
En cuanto a mis compañeros de clases, a pesar de que cada quien tiene diferentes punto de vista creo que son buenas personas y quieren asi como yo, aprender y avanzar en el ambito profesional.
Esta nueva herramienta por que asi la veo, aunque al principio me resistia a lo que era el cambio, (el cambio quiero decir de un cuaderno a un blog digital) me parecia un poco extraña al principio, hoy en dia pienso que es de gran ayuda en mundo donde la comunicacion es muy importante y que hay que ir evolucionando a traves de los sucesos que van aconteciendo.
A esta etapa de la materia pienso y creo que, ya no veo el ingles como antes y que continuare en mi aprendizaje sobre este idioma buscando las maneras mas eficiente de poder dominar este mismo.
Bueno para los proximos estudiante de esta materia, mil exitos y que la mejor manera de destacarse es atraves del aprendisaje y el estudio.
Taller de la Unidad III y IV
Significant organizational change occurs, for example, when an organization changes its overall strategy for success, adds or removes a major section or practice, and/or wants to change the very nature by which it operates. It also occurs when an organization evolves through various life cycles, just like people must successfully evolve through life cycles. For organizations to develop, they often must undergo significant change at various points in their development. That's why the topic of organizational change and development has become widespread in communications about business, organizations, leadership and management.
Leaders and managers continually make efforts to accomplish successful and significant change it's inherent in their jobs. Some are very good at this effort (probably more than we realize), while others continually struggle and fail. That's often the difference between people who thrive in their roles and those that get shuttled around from job to job, ultimately settling into a role where they're frustrated and ineffective. There are many schools with educational programs about organizations, business, leadership and management. Unfortunately, there still are not enough schools with programs about how to analyze organizations, identify critically important priorities to address (such as systemic problems or exciting visions for change) and then undertake successful and significant change to address those priorities. This Library topic aims to improve that situation.
¿Cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Este texto habla del Cambio Organizacional
¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
El cambio organizacional es una estrategia que emplea una organización para cambiar algunos parámetros de los sucesos añadidos o removidos dentro de ella.
¿Que palabras se repiten?
Organization, life, cycle, change, development.
¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Organization= Organización
Cycle = Ciclo
Nature = Natural
Various = varios
¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
Organization Change
¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
El cambio organizacional es una estrategia que emplea una organización para cambiar algunos parámetros de los sucesos añadidos o removidos dentro de ella, también ocurre cuando una organización está envuelta a través de varios ciclos de vida.
Lideres y gerentes continuamente hacen esfuerzo para lograr un cambio exitoso y significativo es por eso que el tópico de cambio organizacional y desarrollo tiene a convertirse generalizadamente en comunicación sobre negocios, organización, liderazgo y administración.
En el mundo existe escuela el cual imparten programas de organización, negocio y liderazgo pero desafortunadamente no existe suficientes escuelas que impartan en sus programas el cómo analizar una organización desde una perspectiva crítica.
Organizational structure refers to the way that an organization arranges people and jobs so that its work can be performed and its goals can be met. When a work group is very small and face-to-face communication is frequent, formal structure may be unnecessary, but in a larger organization decisions have to be made about the delegation of various tasks. Thus, procedures are established that assign responsibilities for various functions. It is these decisions that determine the organizational structure.
In an organization of any size or complexity, employees' responsibilities typically are defined by what they do, who they report to, and for managers, who reports to them. Over time these definitions are assigned to positions in the organization rather than to specific individuals. The relationships among these positions are illustrated graphically in an organizational chart (see Figures 1a and 1b). The best organizational structure for any organization depends on many factors including the work it does; its size in terms of employees, revenue, and the geographic dispersion of its facilities; and the range of its businesses (the degree to which it is diversified across markets).
There are multiple structural variations that organizations can take on, but there are a few basic principles that apply and a small number of common patterns. The following sections explain these patterns and provide the historical context from which some of them arose. The first section addresses organizational structure in the twentieth century. The second section provides additional details of traditional, vertically-arranged organizational structures. This is followed by descriptions of several alternate organizational structures including those arranged by product, function, and geographical or product markets. Next is a discussion of combination structures, or matrix organizations. The discussion concludes by addressing emerging and potential future organizational structures.
Henri Fayol
Henri Fayol (Istanbul, 29 July 1841–Paris, 19 November 1925) was a French mining engineer and director of mines who developed a general theory of business administration.
He and his colleagues developed this theory independently of scientific management but roughly contemporaneously. He was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of management.
Fayol was born in 1841 in a suburb of Istanbul, Turkey, where his father, an engineer, was appointed superintendentof works to build a bridge over the Golden Horn (Galata Bridge). They returned to France in 1847, where Fayol studied at the mining school "École Nationale Supérieure des Mines" in Saint-Étienne.
When 19 years old he started as an engineer at a mining company "Compagnie de Commentry-Fourchambeau-Decazeville" in Commentry. By 1900 the company was one of the largest producers of iron and steel in France and was regarded as a vital industry. Fayol became managing director in 1888, when the mine company employed over 1,000 people, and held that position over 30 years until 1918.
When 19 years old he started as an engineer at a mining company "Compagnie de Commentry-Fourchambeau-Decazeville" in Commentry. By 1900 the company was one of the largest producers of iron and steel in France and was regarded as a vital industry. Fayol became managing director in 1888, when the mine company employed over 1,000 people, and held that position over 30 years until 1918.
In 1916 he published his experience in the book "Administration Industrielle et Générale", at about the same time as Frederick Winslow Taylor published his Principles of Scientific Management.
¿ Idea general del texto?
El texto habla sobre la vida de henry fayol y sus pasos. Henry fayol nacion en estabul , turkia en 1841, su padre era ingeniero. el estando en francia con su padre desarrollo la teoria general de la administracion. el fue el hombre mas importante e influyente de los conceptos administrativos de esa epoca y hasta los momentos.
¿ Idea general del texto?
El texto habla sobre la vida de henry fayol y sus pasos. Henry fayol nacion en estabul , turkia en 1841, su padre era ingeniero. el estando en francia con su padre desarrollo la teoria general de la administracion. el fue el hombre mas importante e influyente de los conceptos administrativos de esa epoca y hasta los momentos.
Unidad III
Predicción, deducción, Skimming
Project Management Phases and Processes
For all but the smallest projects, experienced project managers use well-established project management methodologies. These are often published systems – such as PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) or PRINCE2 – but they can also be in-house methodologies that are specific to the organization.
These approaches have some differences in emphasis, and they tend to use slightly different terminology, but they generally share two key features: projects are delivered in stages, and certain common project management processes run across these stages.
This is illustrated in Figure 1.
The exact phases, and the order in which they're completed, may vary slightly, depending on what you need to achieve with your project. The phases are as follows:
• Project strategy and business case.
• Preparation.
• Design.
• Development and testing.
• Training and business readiness.
• Support and benefits realization.
• Project close.
¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Las Fases de un Proyecto.
¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
La estructura gerencial de un proyecto.
¿Que palabras se repiten?
Project, management, methodologies.
¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Project = Proyecto
Methodologies = Metodología
Specific = Especifico
Organization = Organización
Terminology = Terminología
Differences = Diferencias
Processes = Procesos
¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
Project Phases
Management Processes
¿De qué trata el texto?
El texto habla de un proyecto gerencial sus fases y sus procesos, las fases o estaciones de un proyecto son importantes para un proyecto gerencial, al terminar cada fase se puede conocer las dimensiones del proyecto y que los miembros del grupo estén en condiciones o preparados para la siguiente fase.
Primavera has been in business since 1983. Their business model was to build project management software and sell it through a network of distributors. They now sell directly to major accounts, IT accounts and Government Agencies.
Until the new century Primavera focused on, and became the dominant player, in Construction and capital intensive industries, typically used on large projects with dedicated project teams. Today, Primavera has a number of products, some have their roots in the early days of the company, others have been acquired attempting to move in new directions.
Primavera Project Planner, Primavera Expedition (Primavera Contract Manager) and Primavera SureTrak have their roots from the early days when the focus was on professional project managers in large capital intensive industries.
In 1999 Primavera purchased a small company called Eagle Ray Software Systems who had built a product targeted at the Information Technology/software development area.
Over several generations these products have become the Primavera P6 range. Earlier versions were called Primavera Project Manager, Primavera Project Management, and Primavera Enterprise.
The early versions of this product were client/server based using Oracle or MS SQL-Server. Subsequent releases have included web components for timesheets and collaboration and, more recently, portfolio management. Today, the Primavera P6 range has a sophisticated technical architecture for large Enterprise Project Management deployments. Its project planning and scheduling capabilities are world-class although inexperienced project planners are often perplexed by it. Pinnacle has led many implementations of Primavera for Enterprise Project Management.
In 2003 Primavera purchased Evolve software Inc. and their Professional Services Automation (PSA) product. This product, Primavera Evolve, is positioned for Enterprise Resource Management and targeted at knowledge-worker intensive organizations such as professional services firms.
Over the last 5 years project management software vendors have been improving their offerings to position them as supporting project portfolio management: the simultaneous management of hundreds or thousands of projects and a pipeline of new business. Primavera has added Project In one sense organizations can approach Portfolio Management in either a bottom-up or top-down way.
Also, in 2006 Primavera acquired a sophisticated project-oriented Risk Management product called PertMaster.
This year (2008) Primavera released a product called Primavera Inspire that connects Primavera P6 and SAP.
Recently Primavera was acquired by Oracle Corporation. This acquisition will certainly change the playing field in the project management software world. Pinnacle expects to see Primavera become a much stronger player in New Product Development and in the IT space. The leading players in this space today are Planview, CA Clarity and Compuware.
¿Desde cuando ha estado primavera en el Mercado?
Primavera ha estado en el mercado desde 1983.
¿Cómo eran llamados las versiones de primavera?
Primavera Project Planner, Primavera Expedition y Primavera SureTrak.
¿Cómo son llamados las versiones de Primavera hoy en dia?
Primavera Project Manager, Primavera Project Management, and Primavera Enterprise.
¿Cuándo fue comprada la empresa Eagle Ray Software Systems?
La empresa Eagle Ray Software Systems fue comprada en 1991.
¿Cuando fue la ultima vez que Primavera publico una version?
En el 2008 Primavera publico una versión llamada Primavera Inspire, esta versión conecta a Primavera P6 con SAP.
Project Management Phases and Processes
For all but the smallest projects, experienced project managers use well-established project management methodologies. These are often published systems – such as PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) or PRINCE2 – but they can also be in-house methodologies that are specific to the organization.
These approaches have some differences in emphasis, and they tend to use slightly different terminology, but they generally share two key features: projects are delivered in stages, and certain common project management processes run across these stages.
This is illustrated in Figure 1.
The exact phases, and the order in which they're completed, may vary slightly, depending on what you need to achieve with your project. The phases are as follows:
• Project strategy and business case.
• Preparation.
• Design.
• Development and testing.
• Training and business readiness.
• Support and benefits realization.
• Project close.
¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Las Fases de un Proyecto.
¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
La estructura gerencial de un proyecto.
¿Que palabras se repiten?
Project, management, methodologies.
¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Project = Proyecto
Methodologies = Metodología
Specific = Especifico
Organization = Organización
Terminology = Terminología
Differences = Diferencias
Processes = Procesos
¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
Project Phases
Management Processes
¿De qué trata el texto?
El texto habla de un proyecto gerencial sus fases y sus procesos, las fases o estaciones de un proyecto son importantes para un proyecto gerencial, al terminar cada fase se puede conocer las dimensiones del proyecto y que los miembros del grupo estén en condiciones o preparados para la siguiente fase.
Primavera has been in business since 1983. Their business model was to build project management software and sell it through a network of distributors. They now sell directly to major accounts, IT accounts and Government Agencies.
Until the new century Primavera focused on, and became the dominant player, in Construction and capital intensive industries, typically used on large projects with dedicated project teams. Today, Primavera has a number of products, some have their roots in the early days of the company, others have been acquired attempting to move in new directions.
Primavera Project Planner, Primavera Expedition (Primavera Contract Manager) and Primavera SureTrak have their roots from the early days when the focus was on professional project managers in large capital intensive industries.
In 1999 Primavera purchased a small company called Eagle Ray Software Systems who had built a product targeted at the Information Technology/software development area.
Over several generations these products have become the Primavera P6 range. Earlier versions were called Primavera Project Manager, Primavera Project Management, and Primavera Enterprise.
The early versions of this product were client/server based using Oracle or MS SQL-Server. Subsequent releases have included web components for timesheets and collaboration and, more recently, portfolio management. Today, the Primavera P6 range has a sophisticated technical architecture for large Enterprise Project Management deployments. Its project planning and scheduling capabilities are world-class although inexperienced project planners are often perplexed by it. Pinnacle has led many implementations of Primavera for Enterprise Project Management.
In 2003 Primavera purchased Evolve software Inc. and their Professional Services Automation (PSA) product. This product, Primavera Evolve, is positioned for Enterprise Resource Management and targeted at knowledge-worker intensive organizations such as professional services firms.
Over the last 5 years project management software vendors have been improving their offerings to position them as supporting project portfolio management: the simultaneous management of hundreds or thousands of projects and a pipeline of new business. Primavera has added Project In one sense organizations can approach Portfolio Management in either a bottom-up or top-down way.
Also, in 2006 Primavera acquired a sophisticated project-oriented Risk Management product called PertMaster.
This year (2008) Primavera released a product called Primavera Inspire that connects Primavera P6 and SAP.
Recently Primavera was acquired by Oracle Corporation. This acquisition will certainly change the playing field in the project management software world. Pinnacle expects to see Primavera become a much stronger player in New Product Development and in the IT space. The leading players in this space today are Planview, CA Clarity and Compuware.
¿Desde cuando ha estado primavera en el Mercado?
Primavera ha estado en el mercado desde 1983.
¿Cómo eran llamados las versiones de primavera?
Primavera Project Planner, Primavera Expedition y Primavera SureTrak.
¿Cómo son llamados las versiones de Primavera hoy en dia?
Primavera Project Manager, Primavera Project Management, and Primavera Enterprise.
¿Cuándo fue comprada la empresa Eagle Ray Software Systems?
La empresa Eagle Ray Software Systems fue comprada en 1991.
¿Cuando fue la ultima vez que Primavera publico una version?
En el 2008 Primavera publico una versión llamada Primavera Inspire, esta versión conecta a Primavera P6 con SAP.
sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011
Practica de la Unidad I y II
Listening Skills
What does it mean to really listen?
Real listening is an active process that has three basic steps.
• Hearing. Hearing just means listening enough to catch what the speaker is saying. For example, say you were listening to a report on zebras, and the speaker mentioned that no two are alike. If you can repeat the fact, then you have heard what has been said.
• Understanding. The next part of listening happens when you take what you have heard and understand it in your own way. Let's go back to that report on zebras. When you hear that no two are alike, think about what that might mean. You might think, "Maybe this means that the pattern of stripes is different for each zebra."
• Judging. After you are sure you understand what the speaker has said, think about whether it makes sense. Do you believe what you have heard? You might think, "How could the stripes to be different for every zebra? But then again, the fingerprints are different for every person.
Tips for being a good listener
• Give your full attention on the person who is speaking. Don’t look out the window or at what else is going on in the room.
• Listen for main ideas. The main ideas are the most important points the speaker wants to get across. They may be mentioned at the start or end of a talk, and repeated a number of times. Pay special attention to statements that begin with phrases such as “My point is…” or “The thing to remember is…”
• Ask questions. If you are not sure you understand what the speaker has said, just ask. It is a good idea to repeat in your own words what the speaker said so that you can be sure your understanding is correct. For example, you might say, “When you said that no two zebras are alike, did you mean that the stripes are different on each one?”
• Give feedback. Sit up straight and look directly at the speaker. Now and then, nod to show that you understand. At appropriate points you may also smile, frown, laugh, or be silent. These are all ways to let the speaker know that you are really listening. Remember, you listen with your face as well as your ears!
Thinking fast.
Remember: time is on your side! Thoughts move about four times as fast as speech. With practice, while you are listening you will also be able to think about what you are hearing, really understand it, and give feedback to the speaker.
Words I don’t know
Throw: v. lanzar, tirar
Dartboard: n. Diana
Zebras: n. cebras
Habilidad Auditiva:
La habilidad auditiva es importante porque los presentadores no pueden pasar una información de la misma manera que un jugador de dados. La información tiene es una sustancia intangible que debe ser enviada por un hablante y recibida por un receptor activo.
Categoría lexicales:
Palabras de Contenidos
Sustantivo: Listener, speaker.
Verbo: catch, across.
Adjetivo: Just, full.
Adverbio: really, directly.
Palabras de Función:
Conjunciones: If, then, and.
Preposiciones: to, and, about.
Articulos: The, a, an.
Demostrativos: These, That.
Cognado verdadero: different, At appropriate, silent.
Cognado falso: smile, Hearing,
Sufijo: statement, attention.
Prefijo: alike, understand.
Estructura de la Oración:
The next part of listening happens when you take what you have heard and understand it in your own way.
Frase Nominal:The next part of listening
Nucleo: Part
Pre- modificadores: The next
Post –modifucadores: of listening
Frase Verbal:happens when you take what you have heard and understand it in your own way.
Nucleo de F.V: happens
Tiempo de la Oracion:Presente simple y presente perfecto.
What does it mean to really listen?
Real listening is an active process that has three basic steps.
• Hearing. Hearing just means listening enough to catch what the speaker is saying. For example, say you were listening to a report on zebras, and the speaker mentioned that no two are alike. If you can repeat the fact, then you have heard what has been said.
• Understanding. The next part of listening happens when you take what you have heard and understand it in your own way. Let's go back to that report on zebras. When you hear that no two are alike, think about what that might mean. You might think, "Maybe this means that the pattern of stripes is different for each zebra."
• Judging. After you are sure you understand what the speaker has said, think about whether it makes sense. Do you believe what you have heard? You might think, "How could the stripes to be different for every zebra? But then again, the fingerprints are different for every person.
Tips for being a good listener
• Give your full attention on the person who is speaking. Don’t look out the window or at what else is going on in the room.
• Listen for main ideas. The main ideas are the most important points the speaker wants to get across. They may be mentioned at the start or end of a talk, and repeated a number of times. Pay special attention to statements that begin with phrases such as “My point is…” or “The thing to remember is…”
• Ask questions. If you are not sure you understand what the speaker has said, just ask. It is a good idea to repeat in your own words what the speaker said so that you can be sure your understanding is correct. For example, you might say, “When you said that no two zebras are alike, did you mean that the stripes are different on each one?”
• Give feedback. Sit up straight and look directly at the speaker. Now and then, nod to show that you understand. At appropriate points you may also smile, frown, laugh, or be silent. These are all ways to let the speaker know that you are really listening. Remember, you listen with your face as well as your ears!
Thinking fast.
Remember: time is on your side! Thoughts move about four times as fast as speech. With practice, while you are listening you will also be able to think about what you are hearing, really understand it, and give feedback to the speaker.
Words I don’t know
Throw: v. lanzar, tirar
Dartboard: n. Diana
Zebras: n. cebras
Habilidad Auditiva:
La habilidad auditiva es importante porque los presentadores no pueden pasar una información de la misma manera que un jugador de dados. La información tiene es una sustancia intangible que debe ser enviada por un hablante y recibida por un receptor activo.
Categoría lexicales:
Palabras de Contenidos
Sustantivo: Listener, speaker.
Verbo: catch, across.
Adjetivo: Just, full.
Adverbio: really, directly.
Palabras de Función:
Conjunciones: If, then, and.
Preposiciones: to, and, about.
Articulos: The, a, an.
Demostrativos: These, That.
Cognado verdadero: different, At appropriate, silent.
Cognado falso: smile, Hearing,
Sufijo: statement, attention.
Prefijo: alike, understand.
Estructura de la Oración:
The next part of listening happens when you take what you have heard and understand it in your own way.
Frase Nominal:The next part of listening
Nucleo: Part
Pre- modificadores: The next
Post –modifucadores: of listening
Frase Verbal:happens when you take what you have heard and understand it in your own way.
Nucleo de F.V: happens
Tiempo de la Oracion:Presente simple y presente perfecto.
Estructura de la Oracion
A simple definition of leadership is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal.
Put even more simply, the leader is the inspiration and director of the action. He or she is the person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and skills that makes others want to follow his or her direction.
Leadership is a winning combination of personal traits and the ability to think and act as a leader, a person who directs the activities of others for the good of all. Anyone can be a leader, even if the only person they’re leading is themselves.Keys to Leadership for Small Business
A leader plans.
The core of leadership is being proactive rather than reactive. Sure, leaders are good in crises – but that doesn’t mean they sit around letting crises develop. Leadership involves identifying potential problems and solving them before they reach crisis proportions and the ability to identify and reap potential windfalls. So good leaders analyze and plan and adapt their plans to new circumstances and opportunities.
A leader has a vision.
Vision is essential to good leadership. Vision provides direction and without direction, there’s not much point to all that planning; your small business will still flail about. So if you don’t have one already, take your first step towards leadership by creating a Vision Statement for your business. Because it embodies your dreams and your passions, a vision statement will also serve as a leadership vision.
A leader takes charge.

A leader inspires through example.
If I asked you, you could easily name three people whose leadership qualities inspire you. If I asked you why, you’d tell me about the things these inspiring people did or are doing. Leadership is defined through action. Therefore, in developing your own leadership skills, you have to act in ways that are fitting to your leadership vision and your self – all the time. We can all name many actions of other people whom we admire, but what inspires us is the integrity that gives these actions meaning.
Becoming a leader isn’t easy because it takes a conscious commitment and consistent effort to develop one’s leadership skills. But on the positive side, anyone who is willing to make the effort can become a good leader.
And as good leadership is critical to business success, your efforts to improve your leadership skills will be amply rewarded. By working on these keys of leadership, you can become the leader your small business needs.
El liderazgo es el arte de motivar a un grupo de personas a actuar, para lograr una meta en común. El líder es la inspiración y el director de la acción, el o ella es la persona en el grupo que posee la combinación de personalidad y habilidad que hace que los otros quieran seguirlos en su dirección.
Un lider Plan
Los líderes son Buenos en crisis pero eso no significa que ellos se sientan alrededor permitiendo que la crisis se desarrolle, el Liderazgo envuelve potentes problemas y resolver esos problemas, entonces buenos líderes analizan y planean y adaptan sus planes a las nuevas circunstancias y oportunidades
Un líder tiene visión,
La visión es esencial para un buen liderazgo la visión da dirección y sin dirección allí no hay muchos puntos para toda esa planificación, la visión personifica tus sueños y tu pasión, una visión podrá también puede servir como una visión de liderazgo.
Ejemplo #1 (FRASE NOMINAL)
- At this stage of leadership, you put together your planning and your leadership vision and take action
Pre-modificadores: At this stage of
Núcleo: Leadership
Post-modificadores: you put together your planning and your leadership vision take action.
Ejemplo #2 (FRASE VERBAL )
- Leadership is a winning combination of personal traits and the ability to think and act as a leader.
Núcleo: is
Frase verbal: a winning combination of personal traits and the ability to think and act as a leader
- If I asked you, you could easily name three people whose leadership qualities inspire you. If I asked you why, you’d tell me about the things these inspiring people did or are doing.
Presente irreal
Presente progresivo
- If you don’t have one already, take your first step towards leadership by creating a Vision Statement for your business. Because it embodies your dreams and your passions, a vision statement will also serve as a leadership vision.
- Becoming a leader isn’t easy because it takes a conscious commitment and consistent effort to develop one’s leadership skills
Pronombres demostrativos
martes, 15 de marzo de 2011
Uso del Diccionario
Using a dictionary:
A dictionary is very useful for checking the meaning of a Word.
You can use it for:
- Checking the meaning of a word
- Checking your spelling
- Using the right grammar.
- Checking what tense to use in a sentence.
- Checking pronunciation.
Motivation is the stimuli that cause a person to perform certain actions and persist in them for their culmination.
Motivation is said to be intrinsic or extrinsic. The term is generally used for humans but, theoretically, it can also be used to describe the causes for animal behavior as well. This article refers to human motivation. According to various theories, motivation may be rooted in a basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or a desired object, goal, state of being, ideal, or it may be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism, selfishness, morality, or avoiding mortality. Conceptually, motivation should not be confused with either volition or optimism. Motivation is related to, but distinct from, emotion.
Employee Motivation
Workers in any organization need something to keep them working. Most times the salary of the employee is enough to keep him or her working for an organization. However, sometimes just working for salary is not enough for employees to stay at an organization. An employee must be motivated to work for a company or organization. If no motivation is present in an employee, then that employee’s quality of work or all work in general will deteriorate.
Palabras Nuevas:
- Stimuli: Estimulo
- Behavior: Comportamiento
- Needs: Necesitar
- Employee: Trabajador
Categorías Lexicales:
· Behavior: ( Sustantivo)
· Eating: ( Verbo)
· Animal: ( Cognado Verdadero)
· However: ( Conjunción)
· This: ( Demostrativo)
· Present: ( Congnado falso)
· To: ( Preposición)
· Theoretically: ( Adverbio)
Idea Principal del texto:
La Motivación.
Resumen del Texto:
La motivación es el estimulo que causa que una persona pueda realizar ciertas acciones y persistas en ellas hasta lograr alcanzarlas.
La motivación se dice que es intrínseca y extrínseca. El término generalmente es usado por los humanos, pero teóricamente puede también ser usado para describir las causas del comportamiento de los animales.
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